Authorization Endpoint

Your web site or application should redirect users to the following URL to get the authorization code:

Sandbox:      https://api-api/

NOTE: You have to subscribe to the authentication product in FedEx Supply Chain API Developer Portal in order to use the authorize endpoint.

Sample Request


Sample Response

Success Response
You can extract the authorization code from the response URL and use it to retrieve the access token.



Error Response


OAuth 2.0

HTTP Headers Description
Origin Origin URL.

HTTP-Header       Value

Request Query Parameters:

The following parameters should be passed as the part of the GET call.

Parameter Data Type Description Required
response_type String The response_type has to be “code” to indicate to the Authorization Server to receive the authorization code. Y
client_id String The client ID you received when you first registered an app in FedEx Supply Chain API Developer Portal. Y
scope String One or more scope values to indicate which part of user’s account data you want to access. If it is provided, the default is used based on the settings in your Developer Portal.
Available Scope:    Fulfillment_Returns
redirect_uri String Indicates the URI to return the user to after authorization is complete. Y
state String A unique ID generated by your application that you can verify later. This will be returned by Authorization Server unmodified. N
org_name String Partner or organization name. No spaces are allowed. Y

Success Response Attribute

Parameter Data Type Description
code String The authorization code.

Error Response Attribute

Parameter Data Type Description
error String The URL encoded string value of the error code.
error_description String The URL encoded string value of error description, e.g., "Resource owner denied the access request."