Retrieves RMA or list of RMAs based on the query parameters provided in the request.To take advantage the enhanced RMA functionalities, make sure you subscribe to both “Returns 1.0.0” and “Returns 2.0.0” in the API Developer Portal


swagger: '2.0'
  x-ibm-name: rmas
  title: Rmas
  version: 2.0.0
  - https
host: $(
basePath: /v2
  - application/json
  - application/json
    type: oauth2
    description: ''
    flow: accessCode
    authorizationUrl: 'https://<........................>/fsc/oauth2/authorize'
      Fulfillment_Returns: ''
    tokenUrl: 'https://<........................>/fsc/oauth2/token'
    type: apiKey
    description: Enter Client Secret
    in: header
    name: X-IBM-Client-Secret
    type: apiKey
    in: header
    name: X-IBM-Client-Id
    description: Enter Client ID
  - Client_Id: []
    Client_Secret: []
      - Fulfillment_Returns
  testable: true
  enforced: true
  phase: realized
          description: 200 OK
        - name: accessToken
          type: string
          required: false
          in: header
        - name: id
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: 2408-2103
        - name: status
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: Canceled or Approved
        - name: createTimestamp
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: 'ge|7C2017-03-01T14:30:59-05:00'
        - name: lastUpdatedTimestamp
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: 'ge|7C2017-03-01T14:30:59-05:00'
        - name: responseFilter
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: Details
        - name: pageLimit
          type: integer
          required: false
          in: query
          format: int64
          description: '5'
        - name: prevTimeStamp
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: '1481059745000'
        - name: nextTimeStamp
          type: string
          required: false
          in: query
          description: '1481059745000'
	  summary: Get RMA
      description: Retrieves rma or list of rmas based on the query parameters provided in the request.	  .


Sample Request

	•	Get all RMAs, limit to 15 per page, with details information.
	•	Get all RMAs, with a created time greater than or equal to given date, with summary information.Get 

Sample Response

Success Response

	"requestIdentifier": "01749ea2-4b8f-4f3d-a9dc-f0b862a3d72e",
	"transactionDate": "2017-01-20T15:12:54-05:00",
	"success": true,
	"rmas": [{
		"rmaId": "0001-1456",
		"rmaNumber": "1950",
		"affiliatedMerchant": "Gilt",
		"status": "Approved",
		"createdDate": "2017-03-29T00:00:00",
		"returnEmployeeId": "test.user",
		"returnEmployeeName": "Jhn Smith",
		"shippingCostResponsibility": "RETAILER",
		"externalASNId": "0001-0003-1950",
		"customer": {
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"addressLine1": "1020 Orchard St",
			"addressLine2": "",
			"city": " Sacramento ",
			"stateCode": "CA",
			"zipCode": "95814",
			"countryCode": "US",
			"phoneNumber": "888-787-8888",
			"emailAddress": ""

		"declaredValue": 19.99,
		"referenceFields": {
			"customerReference": "1234",
			"departmentNumber": "10",
			"invoiceNumber": "inv100",
			"poNumber": "PO123"
		"shipments": [{
			"status": "Approved",
			"shippingService": "FDXG",
			"shippingCost": 20.83,
			"shipToAddressId": "1",
			"orders": [{
				"orderNumber": "0001-0001-H0227171107",
				"orderDate": "2017-02-27",
				"items": [{
					"sku": "003-003-0001",
					"quantity": 1,
					"returnItemInfo": {
						"returnReason": "WI"
			"label": {
				"id": "12300",
				"labelURL": "http://<.........>/api/v1/labels/15050",
				"trackingNumber": "795490675459"
		"paging": {
			"previous": "https://<.......>/api/v2/rmas?pageLimit=15&responseFilter=Details&prevTimestamp=1490810481000",
			"next": " https://<.......>/api/v2/rmas?pageLimit=15&responseFilter=Details&nextTimestamp=1493923012000"



OAuth 2.0

HTTP Headers Description
Authorization You must always provide the access token for authorization to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
Authorization       Bearer accessToken
Origin Origin URL.

HTTP-Header       Value

Custom authentication

HTTP Headers Description
X-IBM-Client-Id You must always provide in the HTTP header your API portal application's client ID (X-IBM-Client-Id) to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
X-IBM-Client-Id     ************
X-IBM-Client-Secret You must always provide in the HTTP header your API portal application's client secret (X-IBM-Client-Secret) to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
X-IBM-Client-Secret     ************
AccessToken Application Access Token
Origin Origin URL.

HTTP-Header       Value

Query Parameters

Parameter Data type Description Multiple Values allowed Required
id String RMA ID. This parameter allows up to 25 comma-separated IDs. Y Y (Optionally required)
rmaNumber String RMA Number. This parameter allows up to 25 comma-separated IDs. Y Y (Optionally required)
status String Status of RMAs.
Valid Values: Approved, Received, Cancelled
N Y (Optionally required)
createTimestamp String Time stamp (ISO8601 format) created by orders, preceded by condition type and delimited by pipe symbol.
Format: ge|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:0
Valid Values for Condition Type:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal to), ge (greater than equal to), le (less than equal to)
lastUpdatedTimestamp String Last updated time stamp (ISO8601 format), preceded by condition type AND delimited by pipe symbol.
Format: ge|2016-09-21T14:30:59-05:00
Valid Values for Condition Type:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal to), ge (greater than equal to), le (less than equal to)
responseFilter String Default is Summary. Basic fields will be returned for all the response filters.
Valid Values: Summary, Details
pageLimit Number The number of records to be retrieved in each page.
Allowed values: 1 to 100. Default is 50.
prevTimestamp String Time stamp to retrieve the previous page. Not applicable for initial request N N
nextTimestamp String Time stamp to retrieve the next page. Not applicable for initial request N N

Response Attribute

Parameter Data type Description Filter Type
requestIdentifier String Request identifier. Summary/Details
transactionDate Date Transaction date/time. Summary/Details
success boolean Status of the transaction
Valid Values: true or false
rmaId String Unique identifier assigned at RMA creation. Summary/Details
rmaNumber String The reference number assigned to the return. Summary/Details
affiliatedMerchant String The affiliated merchant the RMA is being created for. This field must match with the affiliated merchant field configured in the Retailers Configuration screen. Summary/Details
status String Status of the RMA. Summary/Details
createdDate String The date when the RMA was recorded. Summary/Details
returnEmployeeId String Employee ID of your representative who is permitted return product on behalf of the company. Details
returnEmployeeName String As a merchant if you want to list an employee who may be return items on behalf of the company you will list the First and last names of your representative who is permitted to return product on behalf of the company. Details
shippingCostResponsibility String If the merchant's system decides who is responsible for the cost of the shipment, it will be depicted here.
Valid Data: Consumer, Retailer
externalASNId String If an ASN was created by the host system of the merchant, the ID can be passed to be used a link to the receiving party. Details
casAccountNumber Number The Commercial Account Services (CAS) number sent to depict which account number to use during the receipt of this return. Details
billToFirstName String The bill-to first name for this return. Details
billToLastName String The bill-to last name for this return. Details
billToAddressLine1 String The bill-to address 1 for this return. Details
billToAddressLine2 String The bill-to address 2 for this return. Details
billToCity String The bill-to city for this return. Details
billToStateCode String The bill-to state code for this return. Details
billToZipCode String The bill-to zip code for this return. Details
specialtyFlag String Indicates do not credit, early credit, or gift return for this return. Details
declaredValue Number The declared value for the return. Details
customerReference String The customer reference number field for the return. Details
departmentNumber String The department number reference field for the return. Details
invoiceNumber String The invoice number reference field for the return. Details
poNumber String The purchase order reference field for the return. Details
firstName String First name of the consumer requesting the return. Summary/Details
lastName String Last name of the consumer requesting the return. Summary/Details
addressLine1 String First line of the address of the consumer requesting the return. Details
addressLine2 String Second line of the address of the consumer requesting the return. Details
city String City of the consumer requesting the return. Summary/Details
stateCode String State of the consumer requesting the return. Summary/Details
zipCode String Zip code of the consumer requesting the return. Details
countryCode String Country of the consumer requesting the return. Details
phoneNumber String Phone number of the consumer requesting the return. Details
emailAddress String Email address of the consumer requesting the return. This email address will be used for any auto-notifications or sending of a label for the return. Details
status String The status of the individual shipment in the RMA.
Valid Values:Created, Received
shippingService String The FedEx shipping service used to complete the return of the item.
shippingCost String The final price to ship the return to the destination. Details
shipToAddressId String A merchant can choose a specific location where an item will be returned directly. If set in this field, the proximity by miles function will be ignored. If this field is null, the system will use the proximity by miles functionto select the appropriate return address.
Valid Values: All eligible address IDs must be listed in the commerce platform.
shipToAddressName String The address name where the returned item will be shipped. Details
id String The unique identifier that depicts the row where the label is stored in the system. Will be passed in the label URL to obtain the label PDF. Summary/Details
labelURL String If a label was requested, the URL for the label PDF is listed here. Summary/Details
trackingNumber String The tracking number assigned to the label used for the return. Summary/Details
orderNumber String The original order number to which the item being returned belongs. This number will be stored in the RMA record being created to allow a reference back from the merchant's order management system Details
orderDate String   Details
sku String The SKU assigned to the item by the retailer. Summary/Details
quantity Number The quantity of the item expected for return. Summary/Details
returnReason String The reason the consumer is returning the item. Details
finalSale Boolean Indicates whether the item was in a final sale status when it was sold. Details
previous String Link to retrieve the previous page, if applicable. Summary/Details
next String Link to retrieve the next page, if applicable. Summary/Details
Code String Code associated with the error. Summary/Details
Description String Description of the error. Summary/Details

HTTP Status Code

Code Description
200 OK - HTTP Response for successfully processed requests
400 Bad Request.
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found - Server couldn’t find anything matching request URI
500 Internal Server Error – Unable to process the request

Error Code

Code Description
ERR-SYS-0001 Your request cannot be processed due to a system error.
ERR-CMR-0001 Input data validation failed.
ERR-CMR-0002 Authentication Failed. Invalid Access Token.
ERR-CMR-0003 Missing mandatory fields.
ERR-RMA-0000 System error message.
ERR-RMA-0003 Retailer return address is missing to process return.
ERR-RMA-0004 Retailer reqire RMA number.
ERR-RMA-0008 Create RMA version 1 cannot be used with Retailer configuration of One Item per Single Box. Please upgrade to version 2.
ERR-RMA-0010 Exception in creating Receipts.
ERR-RMA-0011 This RMA Number is already in use. Please enter a unique RMA Number..
ERR-RMA-0012 No Rma found for the given id : {id}.
ERR-RMA-0013 Exception in calling RMA oneup Service.
ERR-RMA-0014 Exception in calling create action.
ERR-RMA-0015 New RMA not required. No rma receipts found for rma Id: {id}.
ERR-RMA-0020 Retailer not found for the request.
ERR-RMA-0021 No Fedex Account is found for the given location to process return.
ERR-RMA-0024 Invalid affiliatedMerchant field: the value does not match with the one defined in the Retailer screen.
ERR-RMA-0030 Item Details not found : {sku}.
ERR-RMA-0031 Item Sku : {sku} is Marked as non returnable.
ERR-RMA-0033 Item Sku : {sku} in Order: {order} can not be returned after {days} day(s) of Order.
ERR-RMA-0034 New RMA not required. All the Items are alredy received {id}.
ERR-RMA-0040 Error calling generate label service.
ERR-RMA-0050 Error in ASN Service.