Create Item

The Items API provides the capability of creating new products within the FedEx® Fulfillment platform. These newly created products will be part of Product Catalog for the retailer to manage their inventory and make any required changes to an existing product information.


swagger: '2.0'
  x-ibm-name: items
  title: Items
  version: 1.0.0
  - https
host: $(
basePath: /v1
  - application/json
  - application/json
    type: oauth2
    description: ''
    flow: accessCode
    authorizationUrl: 'https://<.....................>/fsc/oauth/authorize'
      Fulfillment_Returns: ''
    tokenUrl: 'https://<.....................>/fsc/oauth/token'
      url: 'https://<.....................>/fsc/oauth/introspect'
    type: apiKey
    description: Enter Client Secret
    in: header
    name: X-IBM-Client-Secret
    type: apiKey
    in: header
    name: X-IBM-Client-Id
    description: Enter Client ID
  - Client_Id: []
    Client_Secret: []
      - Fulfillment_Returns
  testable: true
  enforced: true
  phase: realized
          description: 200 OK
      - name: input_request
        required: false
        in: body
          type: object
        description: "Items API provides the capability of creating new products within Commerce Portal. These newly created products will be part of Product Catalog for the Retailer to manage their Inventory and make any required changes to an existing product information."
      tags: []
      - application/json
      - text/plain
      - application/json

Sample Request

	"item" : {
		"dscription" : "Test Item",
		"longDescription" : "Test ",
		"hsCode" : "1040.60",
		"brand" : "Apple",
		"model" : "Apple",
		"subCategory" : "Laptop",
		"productClass" : "Class",
		"retailerType" : "RMS",
		"hazardMaterial" : false,
		"battery" : true,
		"batteryType" : "Alkaline",
		"barCodeMarked" : true,
		"shelfLife" : 35,
		"serializationRequired" : true,
		"batchLotRequired" : false,
		"polyBagRequired" : true,
		"shipAlone" : false,
		"internationalShipping" : true,
		"countryCode" : "US",
		"fragile" : true,
		"perishable" : true,
		"liquid" : true,
		"sku" : "SKU123",
		"upc" : "423445656321",
        "size" : "Large",
        "style" : "Skinny",
        "color" : "Red",
    	"dimensions" : {
			"height" : 12,
			"length" : 10,
			"width" : 1
		"weight" : 1.2,
		"itemCost" : 1,
		"retailPrice" : 34.43,
		"returnItemInfo" : {
			"returnable" : true,
			"returnDaysLimit" : 4,
			"destination" : "RET",
			"shippingService" : "GR",
			"serialNumber" : true,
			"requireRepCapture" : false,
			"countryOfOriginRequired" : true,
			"casPackingSku" : [{
					"packingSku" : "12345"
				}, {
					"packingSku" : "23456"
				}, {
					"packingSku" : "78965"
		"lowStockThreshold" : 10,
		"hazardous" : 1,
		"name" : "qw",
		"categoryId" : 1,
		"variants" : [{
				"attributeKey" : "length",
				"attributeValue" : "453"
			}, {
				"attributeKey" : "multicolor",
				"attributeValue" : "444"
			}, {
				"attributeKey" : "testproduct",
				"attributeValue" : "22"
		"caseDetails" : [{
				"caseType" : "case",
				"barCode" : "12332234",
				"height" : 12.2,
				"length" : 1,
				"width" : 12.23,
				"weight" : 12.4,
				"numberOfUnits" : 1
			}, {
				"caseType" : "pallet",
				"barCode" : "12332234222",
				"height" : 12.2,
				"length" : 1,
				"width" : 45.2,
				"weight" : 2.4,
				"numberOfUnits" : 2

Sample Response

Success Response

		"requestIdentifier" : "739d28b6-269c-11e7-9a3d-0ac443290000",
		"transactionDate" : "2017-04-21T10:11:45-04:00",
		"success" : "true",
		"items" : {
			"itemId" : 311103,
			"sku" : "SKU1-23-SKU-234-S12w4443r"

Error Response

		"requestIdentifier" : "ff8ce974-26a6-11e7-9a3d-0ac443290000",
		"transactionDate" : "2017-04-21T11:27:15-04:00",
		"success" : "false",
		"errors" : [{
				"code" : "ERR-PDT-0002",
				"description" : "Product (ITEM_SKU) is already exist"


OAuth 2.0

HTTP Headers Description
Authorization You must always provide the access token for authorization to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
Authorization       Bearer accessToken
Origin Origin URL.

HTTP-Header       Value

Custom authentication

HTTP Headers Description
X-IBM-Client-Id You must always provide in the HTTP header your API portal application's client ID (X-IBM-Client-Id) to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
X-IBM-Client-Id     ************
X-IBM-Client-Secret You must always provide in the HTTP header your API portal application's client secret (X-IBM-Client-Secret) to access the API.

HTTP-Header       Value
X-IBM-Client-Secret     ************
AccessToken Application Access Token
Origin Origin URL.

HTTP-Header       Value

Request Attribute

Parameter Data Type Description Required
weight Number Weight of an individual item, in pounds, to the nearest hundredth of a pound. Y
lowStockThreshold Number Low stock threshold for the item.Number of units that will trigger an alert when the inventory goes below the value entered. Valid Values: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 N
sku String Item code or SKU. This code is unique to the item and is used for stock-keeping purposes. Y
upc String Universal product code for the item, if it is marked with a bar code.
The fulfillment center can use this information for inventory tracking.
(Only for returns)
itemCost Number Cost of the item for your business.
This information is used with reports.
retailPrice Number Retail price for the item.
This information is used with reports and is printed on commercial invoices.
name String Short description for the catalog item, e.g., Rosemary Hand Balm. Y
battery Boolean Indicates whether the item contains a battery.
If you enter “true” you also need to provide an entry for battery type.
longDescription String Detailed description of the item. N
fragile Boolean Indicates whether the item is fragile.
If you enter “true,” additional fees may apply to handling this item.
(Only for fulfillment)
hazardMaterial Boolean Indicates whether the item is hazardous.
If the item is marked as “true,” speak to a customer success specialist before sending the item to the fulfillment center.
liquid Boolean Indicates whether the item contains liquid. Y
(Only for fulfillment)
perishable Boolean Indicates whether the item is prone to spoilage or decay.
If you enter “true,” you also need to provide an entry for Shelf Life
(Only for fulfillment)
categoryId String Category ID for this item.
Valid Values:See the dropdown list for Category ID.
ID            NAME
1            Apparel & Accessories
2            Automotive
3            Books
4            Chemicals & Cleaners
5            Electronics
6            Food & Beverage
7            Health & Beauty
8            High Value
9            Hobbies
10          Houseware
11          Movies & Music
12          Nutraceuticals
13          Sports & Fitness
14          Toys
15          Others
barCodeMarked Boolean Indicates whether the item is marked with a bar_code.
If the item is not marked with a bar code, additional processing fees may apply.
(Only for fulfillment)
shelfLife Number The number of days prior to the product expiration date.
Perishable products are not shipped if they are at their shelf life limit.
(Required only when perishable field = ‘Y’)
batteryType String Indicates the type of battery the item contains.
Valid Values: Nickel Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hydride, Lead Acid, Lithium Ion, Lithium Ion Polymer, Alkaline, Other.
This information is used to determine what methods of shipment are possible within regulations for hazardous materials.
(Required only when battery field = ‘Y’)
serializationRequired Boolean Indicates whether the fulfillment center needs to track individual items by serial numbers on the item.
If you enter “true,” additional fees may apply to handling this item.
(Only for fulfillment)
batchLotRequired Boolean Indicates whether the item requires additional tracking by batch or lot number.
If you enter “true,” additional fees may apply to handling this item.
(Only for fulfillment)
polyBagRequired Boolean Indicates whether the item can ship in a polyurethane bag with no additional packaging. Y
(Only for fulfillment)
shipAlone Boolean Indicates whether the item can ship in its own packaging. Y
internationalShipping Boolean Indicates whether the item can ship internationally. N
(Only for fulfillment)
countryCode String Two-digit country code.
This entry is required if the item may be shipped internationally. Valid Values: See the table list for
(Required only when internationalShipping value = ‘Y’)
(Only for fulfillment)
hsCode String 6-digit Harmonized System code.
This entry is required if the item is shipped internationally.
(Required only when internationalShipping value = ‘Y’)
(Only for fulfillment)
brand String Brand of the item,e.g.,Apple, DELL. N
model String Model of the item. N
subCategory String A subgroup of a category.
Example:If Category = Electronics, Subcategory = Laptop.
productClass String An identifier indicating how the specific product differs from the normal products, such as high dollar, special handling, etc. N
size String Size of the product.
Example – Medium.
color String Color of the product.
Example – Red.
style String Style of the product.
Example – Skinny.
serialNumber String Indicates whether the item requires a serial number during the return process. N
shippingService String Indicates whether special shipping is needed for returning the item. Valid Values: EX (FedEx® Express),GR (FedEx® Ground)
If you leave this null, FedEx calculates for you.
countryOfOriginRequired Boolean Indicates whether the country of origin is needed during the return process. N
returnable Boolean Indicates whether the item can be returned after a sale. Y
returnDaysLimit Number The number of days from original order date when the item is eligible for return. N
destination String Indicates how the return item should be handled, e.g., Destroy, Salvage, Vendor Return.
Valid Values: See the table list for
(Only for returns)
requireRepCapture Boolean Indicates whether the item requires authorization during the return process. N
casPackingSku[] Limit 3      
packingSku String The packing sku used for the item being returned.
This is an array value. You can add up to three values within the array. The first will be marked as the primary SKU.
height Number Height of the product in inches.
If you choose to enter product dimensions, you must enter all three dimensions: – length, width and height – to avoid an error during upload.
length Number Length of the product in inches.
If you choose to enter product dimensions, you must enter all three dimensions –: length, width and height – to avoid an error during upload.
width Number Width of the product in inches.
If you choose to enter product dimensions, you must enter all three dimensions: – length, width and height – to avoid an error during upload.
Variants[] - Indicates the variant attributes for the product Limit 3     N
attributeKey String Indicates the variant attributes key for the product, e.g., size or color. Y
attributeValue String Indicates the variant attributes value for the product, e.g., Medium or Black. Y
caseDetails[] - Indicates the item is packaged in multiple case levels
Limit 3 – 1 per valid case type
caseType String Valid Values for case types:case, pallet Y
barCode String Barcode for the case Y
height Number Height dimension for the case
(Dimensions are not required. If one dimension field is supplied, then all dimension fields in this group are required.)

(The minimum value of the weight is 0.1)
length Number Length dimension for the case
width Number Width dimension for the case
weight Number Weight of the case
numberOfUnits Number Number of units in the case Y

Response Attribute

Parameter Data type Description
requestIdentifier String Request identifier.
transactionDate String Transaction date/time
success Boolean Status of the transaction.
Valid Values:True or False.
itemId String FedEx item ID generated by the system.
sku String Item SKU.
code String Code associated with the error.
description String Description of the error.

HTTP Status Code

Code Description
200 OK - HTTP Response for successfully processed requests
400 Bad Request.
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found - Server couldn’t find anything matching request URI
500 Internal Server Error – Unable to process the request

Error Code

Code Description
ERR-SYS-0001 Your request cannot be processed due to a system error.
ERR-CMR-0001 Input data validation failed.
ERR-CMR-0002 Authentication Failed. Invalid Access Token.
ERR-CMR-0003 Missing mandatory fields.
ERR-PDT-0001 Product <item_sku> Required fields missing
ERR-PDT-0002 Product <item_sku> already exist in the platform
ERR-PDT-0003 Product <item_sku> battery type is needed when Contains Battery equals yes
ERR-PDT-0004 Product <item_sku> Shelf Life Days is needed when Perishible equals yes
ERR-PDT-0005 Product <item_sku> Attribute Type Value is needed
ERR-PDT-0006 Product <item_sku> Attribute Value Type is needed
ERR-PDT-0007 Product <item_sku> Invalid Case Type
ERR-PDT-0008 Product <item_sku> Case Number Of Units is needed
ERR-PDT-0009 Product <item_sku> Pallet Number Of Units is needed
ERR-PDT-0010 Product <item_sku> Category value is not a match to the values available
ERR-PDT-0011 Product <item_sku> Low Stock Threshold value does not match the values available
ERR-PDT-0012 Product <item_sku> Type of Battery does not match the values available
ERR-PDT-0013 Product <item_sku> Country of Origin value does not match the values available
ERR-PDT-0014 Product <item_sku> Invalid <case_type> Number Of Units
ERR-PDT-0015 Product <item_sku> Number Of Units cannot be updated when inventory is available.
ERR-PDT-0016 Product <item_sku> Return Condition Disposition code does not match the values available
ERR-PDT-0017 Product <item_sku> second quality SKU is missing
ERR-PDT-0018 Product <item_sku> second quality SKU does not exist
ERR-PDT-0019 Product <item_sku> Return Disposition Return to Vendor location is needed
ERR-PDT-0020 Product <item_sku> Return to Vendor location does not match the values available
ERR-PDT-0021 Product <item_sku> Field exceeds character limit
ERR-PDT-0026 Product <item_sku> Country of origin is needed when International Shipping equals yes
ERR-PDT-0027 Product <item_sku> HS code is needed when International Shipping equals yes
ERR-PDT-0028 Product <item_sku> HS code is not in the required format
ERR-PDT-0029 Connection is inactive
ERR-PDT-0030 Required fields missing for bundles
ERR-PDT-0031 Invalid product category code
ERR-PDT-0032 Item quantity in the bundle is less than 2
ERR-PDT-0033 Invalid product selected
ERR-PDT-0034 Product <item_sku> Shelf life days is not integer
ERR-PDT-0035 Product <item_sku> Length is not greater than 0
ERR-PDT-0036 Product <item_sku> Width is not greater than 0
ERR-PDT-0037 Product <item_sku> Height is not greater than 0
ERR-PDT-0038 Product <item_sku> Weight is not greater than 0
ERR-PDT-0039 Product <item_sku> Invalid <case_type> Length
ERR-PDT-0040 Product <item_sku> Invalid <case_type> Width
ERR-PDT-0041 Product <item_sku> Invalid <case_type> Height
ERR-PDT-0042 Product <item_sku> Invalid <case_type> Weight

Country Codes

Code Name
US United States of America
CA Canada
AD Andorra
AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanistan
AG Antigua and Barbuda
AI Anguilla
AM Armenia
AO Angola
AQ Antarctica
AR Argentina
AS American Samoa
AT Austria
AU Australia
AW Aruba
AX Åland Islands
AZ Azerbaijan
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BB Barbados
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BF Burkina Faso
BG Bulgaria
BH Bahrain
BI Burundi
BJ Benin
BL Saint Barthélemy
BM Bermuda
BN Brunei Darussalam
BO Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BR Brazil
BS Bahamas
BT Bhutan
BV Bouvet Island
BW Botswana
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CD Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
CF Central African Republic
CG Congo
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d'Ivoire
CK Cook Islands
CL Chile
CM Cameroon
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CU Cuba
CV Cabo Verde
CW Curaçao
CX Christmas Island
CY Cyprus
CZ Czechia
DE Germany
DJ Djibouti
DK Denmark
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
EH Western Sahara
ER Eritrea
ES Spain
ET Ethiopia
FI Finland
FJ Fiji
FK Falkland Islands [Malvinas]
FM Micronesia (Federated States of)
FO Faroe Islands
FR France
GA Gabon
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GD Grenada
GE Georgia
GF French Guiana
GG Guernsey
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GL Greenland
GM Gambia
GN Guinea
GP Guadeloupe
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece
GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
GT Guatemala
GU Guam
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HK Hong Kong
HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
HT Haiti
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IM Isle of Man
IN India
IO British Indian Ocean Territory
IQ Iraq
IR Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JO Jordan
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KG Kyrgyzstan
KH Cambodia
KI Kiribati
KM Comoros
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
KP Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)
KR Korea (the Republic of)
KW Kuwait
KY Cayman Islands
KZ Kazakhstan
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB Lebanon
LC Saint Lucia
LI Liechtenstein
LK Sri Lanka
LR Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
LY Libya
MA Morocco
MC Monaco
MD Moldova (the Republic of)
ME Montenegro
MF Saint Martin (French part)
MG Madagascar
MH Marshall Islands
MK Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)
ML Mali
MM Myanmar
MN Mongolia
MO Macao
MP Northern Mariana Islands
MQ Martinique
MR Mauritania
MS Montserrat
MT Malta
MU Mauritius
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique
NA Namibia
NC New Caledonia
NE Niger
NF Norfolk Island
NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NP Nepal
NR Nauru
NU Niue
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
PA Panama
PE Peru
PF French Polynesia
PG Papua New Guinea
PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
PN Pitcairn
PR Puerto Rico
PS Palestine, State of
PT Portugal
PW Palau
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles
SD Sudan
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SI Slovenia
SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SK Slovakia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Senegal
SO Somalia
SR Suriname
SS South Sudan
ST Sao Tome and Principe
SV El Salvador
SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SY Syrian Arab Republic
SZ Swaziland
TC Turks and Caicos Islands
TD Chad
TF French Southern Territories
TG Turks and Caicos Islands
TH Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TK Tokelau
TL Timor-Leste
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan (Province of China)
TZ Tanzania, United Republic of
UA Ukraine
UG Uganda
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VA Holy See
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VG Virgin Islands (British)
VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)
VN Viet Nam
VU Vanuatu
WF Wallis and Futuna
WS Samoa
YE Yemen
YT Mayotte
ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe

Inbound Classification Codes

Code Name Description
RET RETURNABLE A default classification used on most product that does not need separate segregation at the return center.
DES DESTROY A classification used on product that will be disposed of at the center.
RCL RECALL Depicts items being recalled for collection.
SAL SALVAGE Depicts items being sold on a secondary market.
CHA CHARITY Depicts items that are being donated.
REC RECYCLE Depicts items destined for recycling.
REF REFURBISH Depicts items that are to be sent for refurbishing.
RTS RETURN TO STOCK Depicts items going back to stock for fulfillment to a distribution or fulfillment center.