--- swagger: "2.0" info: x-ibm-name: webhook title: Webhook version: 1.0.0 description: "" schemes: - https basePath: /v1 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json - fsc-api-admin@fedex.com securityDefinitions: oauth2: type: oauth2 description: "" flow: accessCode scopes: Fulfillment_Returns: Fulfillment_Returns authorizationUrl: https://api-sandbox.supplychain.fedex.com/api/sandbox/fsc/oauth2/authorize tokenUrl: https://api-sandbox.supplychain.fedex.com/api/sandbox/fsc/oauth2/token x-tokenIntrospect: url: https://vp1npmqdp01-v1.genco.com/api/sandbox/fsc/oauth/introspect tls-profile: datapower-ca-tls-profile Client_Secret: type: apiKey description: "" in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Secret Client_Id: type: apiKey in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id security: - Client_Id: [] Client_Secret: [] oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns x-ibm-configuration: testable: true enforced: true phase: realized paths: /services/webhook: get: responses: 200: description: 200 OK summary: Retrieves webhook subscription(s) for the merchant. description: Retrieves webhook subscription(s) for the merchant. parameters: - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. - name: query_params type: string required: false in: query description: 'Enter all the query parameters. Sample: status=Active&eventName=Order_Shipped' consumes: - application/json security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK summary: This API allows the developer to create a new webhook subscription. description: This API allows the developer to create a new webhook subscription. parameters: - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. - name: create_webhook_json_body required: false in: body schema: type: object description: '{"eventName": "Order_Shippped","url": "https://yourcompany.com/webhook/callbackURL","secret":"top_secret"}' security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] /services/webhook/{webhookId}: put: responses: 200: description: 200 OK parameters: - name: create_webhook_json_body required: false in: body schema: type: object description: '{"eventName": "Order_Shippped","url": "https://yourcompany.com/webhook/callbackURL","secret":"top_secret"}' - name: AccessToken type: string required: false in: header description: Enter AccessToken, it is mandatory in case of basic authentication. - name: webhookId type: string required: true in: path description: webhookId summary: This API allows the developer to update an existing webhook subscription. description: This API allows the developer to update an existing webhook subscription. security: - oauth2: - Fulfillment_Returns - Client_Secret: [] Client_Id: [] tags: [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://api-sandbox.supplychain.fedex.com/api/sandbox type: - development ...